Hwhooh! We've been getting a
lot of jellyfish lately. :) And I got some nice photos which I'll post.

Most of the time, for my 'research' on the local wildlife, I usually use my indispensable book, the Tideland Treasure, but this time the book didn't help me out much. The jellyfish pictured above is a Cannonball jellyfish, or Cabbagehead, but Mr. Ballantine, (the author) captioned it as 'Jellyball'. Is this a nickname for it maybe? I googled Jellyball but got no results... >_<
But all that aside, more about the jellyfish! This Jellyfish washes up in droves in the spring, and this kind doesn't sting! I've probably astounded a couple tourists by picking them up. :D (The jellyfish, not the tourists.)

I also found out an interesting thing about them. I'm not sure whether they just do this when they're dead, but when you touch the red stuff, it comes off! (See picture at right.)