Saturday, August 02, 2008

More on Mysterious Froggies..

Well, I've done some research, and the closest I can find is the Northern Spring Peeper. Alright.. Yes.. I know. We are not in the north and it isn't spring. :/ (In the Tideland Treasure it leaves off the 'Northern' part but I suspect it's the same frog.) But anyway this is what I found.

The Spring Peeper is a small frog about the size of a quarter at adult size. (These are probably juveniles). Their color is a mixture of brown and gray, and they have a distorted 'X' pattern on their backs. This info fits the frogs I found.

Apparently the Northern Spring Peeper makes a loud 'peep' call at night. I hear a lot of frog noises at night but I can't pin it on these little critters, as I don't go out at night often.

These frogs live in damp areas, (by our lagoon?!), and hunt for smaller invertebrates in low vegetation. (I put the little amphibians in a plastic cup, and it's obvious they can't climb.)

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