Sunday, April 02, 2006

Green Tree Frog

Here's a photo of a Green Tree Frog. This photo shows it a bit browner than it is, but you can easily tell it is a Green Tree Frog. This frog is fairly common, it can be found in swamps, borders of lakes and bayous, on floating vegetation, in trees and bushes near water, in Spanish moss or under bark on trees, and any place well supplied with water or dampness. At night they can be found clinging to house windows or windowsills preying on insects attracted by the artificial light. At night in May right through July, they can be heard easily with their little voices trilling what some people describe to sound like "quenk, quenk", sort of like cowbells. Froggie love songs! I myself have never heard the frogs, but next month is May, so I will be listening! They have some other nicknames, such as Cowbell Frog, Bell Frog, and Fried Bacon Frog! Weird, huh! :)' They are the Louisiana State Amphibian, and their latin name is Hyla Cinerea. They eat all sorts of bugs, like crickets and moths, worms, and small grasshoppers, among other things. Did you know that Kermit the Frog was modeled after a Green Tree Frog?


Anonymous said...

Frogs are nice and so are you.

Anonymous said...

Did you get to see the leatherback sea turtle that same on shore in Hilton Head? That is an unusual occurance on Hilton Head.

Wildlife Watcher said...

To Pawpaw: I have not seen it... I will be on the lookout though... :) To anonymous: Thank you for that kind comment!