Yes, it's now jellyfish season, so watch out! The Jellyfish season is About from August until people stop swimming for the winter.
That picture above is my leg, which got stung yesterday. I think it was either a Sea Nettle, or a Sea Wasp. Either way it hurt like mad... X(
The best thing to prevent getting stung is wear a wetsuit or something. Even something as thin as pantyhose will keep the stingers away! But if you don't want to go to those extremes, then you should bring a bottle of vinegar with you. Also if you go to the lifeguard he'll spray you with his. If you get stung, you should rub wet sand on it, which gets off the barbs and stuff that hasn't stung yet. You should NEVER put freshwater on a jellyfish sting, only saltwater. Also, contrary to popular belief, peeing on your sting doesn't work.
This sting I got yesterday was different from the others I've gotten. This one was much stronger, and I got muscle pain all up my leg above the sting. (Very uncomfortable if you need to bike home.) It also had some effect on the rest of my muscles and my bowels. Yesterday once I got home it was very hard to sit still without my muscles going funky, so I walked around a lot. My dad said it was good to do that because it was my body's way of telling me to let the poison move around and sort of dilute through my body. Okay, I can go with that.. :) It's completely numb now, by the way.
It was kind of funny yesterday when I got stung; all these little kids were crowding around me saying stuff like "What happened to you?" "Does it hurt a lot?" I told them what to happen if they got stung and stuff, and one little girl said, "I heard it helps if you put shaving cream on it then scrape it off with a credit card." I replied "Great idea! Except I don't have any shaving cream or a credit card on me at the moment." Little kids.. ;)
Hey thanks for the information given in the article above..
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Hi, are you still blogging? I have a picture of a jellyfish from this past week at South Beach in Sea Pines that I'd really like to ID. It doesn't have tentacles, but has two really weird protrusions out of its top and a little bit of purple coloring... I have a picture I can send.
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