Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Today's wildlife focus: The American Alligator

Alligators living around here can be found just about anywhere that has freshwater and that can accomodate an alligator of its size. They are numerously found on the banks of Hilton Head Prep, and swimming in or sunbathing near the Sea Pines Forest Preserve. We even have a few in our back lagoon! (photo coming later today) They sunbathe to retain a steady temerature of 89* in body temperature. They eat birds, crabs, fish, snakes, basically anything they can get their greedy claws on! Sadly, this diet can easily be adapted to Big Macs, burritos, french fries, Cheetos, and other stuff that "comes their way". If you feed them, then they will constantly expect more, even though they only need 1 lb. of food a week. If not fed, (or even if they are, if they're in a bad mood) they will get mad, and however slow they may look, you DON'T want to get a gator mad. *slashing motion across the neck* Even if they dont eat you, they will prob'ly try to get other people, and will have to be killed. So if you leave 'em like they are, both of you will be the better for it! :D More coming today!

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